Saturday, October 22, 2005

Relief from "report constipation"

Finally, after completing the headache-inducing 测试大报告, report constipating syndromes have vanished. Really glad to be able to complete it by Saturday (at the expense of zzz on Fri night and Sat afternoon), so I can enjoy my Sunday before attending 2 more days of school next week. After completing and handing in the teaching of children's literature pair work project on Tuesday, assignments will all be over for this semester.

All the above signals the end of the semester and exams drawing near. Have exactly 1 month from today for the first paper. This year's exam dates are scheduled on the last week of the exam period and there's no break in between...4 papers back to back...hope that my memory storage will not suffer from any virus attack and I'll be able to survive through the papers...quite worried about 文言 so will probably spend more time trying to digest and revising it. Hope to go gyming in between revising period...suffering from withdrawal symptoms as it's been quite some time since I last went....=P

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