Friday, October 21, 2005


Attended the last CED tutorial today and there was a guest speaker from the Subordinates Court, talking about various issues such as children at risk, divorce etc. Quite ironical for us to hear about divorce cos most of us aren't even married yet...perhaps the hassle of going through a divorce is the deterrant message they are trying to get across.

Quite amusing to note an air of excitement when the lecturer announce that there's a feedback form for us to complete before we leave the class. Normally, we would complete it briskly as there isn't much to comment and wish to leave early. Even in the midst of completing the numerous assignments and presentations for this module, we were already hoping to reflect that it's too demanding and absurd for a 2 AU module to have so many minute details to note.

And the day has arrived for us to air our grievances....Obviously my class aren't the only ones who feel that more improvements could be done with regards to the demands and requirements of the course as most people took some time to complete the forms. Well, tried my best to put across my message as gently as possible yet clearly showing where's the problem...won't want to demoralize the lecturers and endanger others who will be taking the same module next time.

Was on the bus when i heard a woman crying as she was talking on her phone...(she was seated in the adjacent inner seat of the first level of a double deck bus while i was seated on the first seat of the long row on the right) wondering if should offer her tissue but then again, it'll be quite embaressing for her to have gotten the attention of a stranger. Noted that she was ok as she alighted the bus before my stop so should be alright...sometimes people just have to know when and how to let go. Holding on to unhappy thoughts or unhappy relationships aren't going to work. You have to realise that yourself, there's only so much others can assist you. 懂得及时醒悟,该放手时放手就不会那么多烦恼。

Despite the work I have to complete by this weekend, intended to meet up with a friend for a meal and relax before burying myself into the pile of work but didn't get the chance to 偷懒。Should be staying up till 2am before i turn in...

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