Thursday, April 21, 2011

Physical exhaustion vs Mental exhaustion

Last night after reaching home at 11+pm, technically, after a hectic work day and going out with Teddy Chua in the evening, I should be very tired and can enter dreamland quite swiftly. However, I couldn't sleep at all...I managed to get a shut-eye of about 2 hours only and decided to wake up for good to complete more marking.
Managed to function for the day and still could stay back in school to do more marking before lugging the remaining work back home for the long weekend. Tonight, the difference is more physical tiredness than before but still the mind is awake. Hence the blogging at this hour when I should be in dreamland. I hope this doesn't continue or Singapore Pandaclub manager's post will be reinstated very soon...can already see slight dark rings around my eyes...

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