Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Echo of Life

Went to the Grassroots Club today for school's retreat and for check-in we were told to share about what we thought the echo of life means to us...agreed with one of our senior teachers as she mentioned that it's more fortunate for the person to be able to give than to receive 施比受更有福。

Reflected back to a documentary I caught a few weeks ago, as the courage and optimism shown by the lady left quite an impression. The young mother is battling cancer but she does not show any bitterness and when the reporter asked her when she thinks is the best time of her life, she simply answered, it's now...she's living life to the max and I really marvel how brave she is coping with her illness. I went to read her blog and found out that her story inspired quite alot of people. Do check it out and you will learn to be more appreciative:

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