Friday, February 29, 2008
Went for my P1 class today and was so favourite starbucks design your own tumbler "committed suicide" from the teacher's desk. I should have placed the bottle in my teaching bag instead of the table where my P1 students were coming up to me for the portfolio assessment. Sigh...when I heard the loud cracking sound, i was thinking to myself "oh no, this sounds serious..." and when I braced myself to look at the damage, my heart literally ached...there were 2 cracks, one on the inside and the other on the outside...totally gone. The first time I dropped the bottle, the impact wasn't as great and there were no cracks or leakage at all but this time, the bottle decided to call it quits...Didn't even bring it back home, as I was carrying a lot of things (as usual to work on weekends)'s just parked on my workstation, think will try to modify it into an art piece.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Caught the flu bug and was too lethargic to head to school. Reported sick early around 650am then headed to Sengkang Polyclinic to see the doctor. Luckily within 2 hrs I got my medication and MC. Went home and started working on the lower primary portfolio assessment. Though I took the drowsy medication, however, due to the fact that I still have so much to complete, I didn't even take a nap.
Since sis went to her Sports Camp, decided to start wrapping her birthday gift. To my horror, I've actually kept her gift in such a secret place, that I myself, have forgotten where I've hid it. Think I must be getting old and forgetful but it's really frustrating when you are looking for something, and you simply can't recall where you've placed it.
Since sis went to her Sports Camp, decided to start wrapping her birthday gift. To my horror, I've actually kept her gift in such a secret place, that I myself, have forgotten where I've hid it. Think I must be getting old and forgetful but it's really frustrating when you are looking for something, and you simply can't recall where you've placed it.
Saturday, February 09, 2008
今年,我负责的项目是包巧克力金币在红包封套给全校1896位学生(哈哈,出了真字,但我不买4D)。幸好,同事们都很合作,我们花了大约3小时就大功告成。因每年学校的华文老师都会准备这些红包 (每个红包套里会有两枚巧克力金币),预祝学生学业进步。虽然学生现在可在外头买到更合胃口的巧克力,但怎么说,希望他们会明白我们的心意。这么做也是让异族同胞的学生能感染农历新年的一些气氛。忙碌了整个星期二,晚餐是全家人和叔叔一家到茂兴潮州餐馆吃饭。
除夕当天,学校举办两场农历新年表演。因只上半天课,所以,7am就到学校去准备。除了分发“红包”,就是看其他华文老师在表演时需要什么帮忙。放学后,和 Esther 乘搭免费的巴士到 Punggol Plaza 的“口福”吃午餐。尝了那里的酿豆腐,觉得口味蛮不错。最期待的团圆饭,父母准备了火锅和烧烤先腌制过的猪肉。烤过的猪肉,加了韩国的酱料,包在生菜,放入口中,真的好美味!
初一,如往常先到庙里拜拜,然后再到老姨家拜年。因今年我们比较迟出门,所以到了外婆家,还头一朝碰到三姨一家人。接着,我们前往老婶家。Ivy姑姑和 Zalmund 现在也住在那里。吃了美味的咖喱鸡,我们才去实龙岗买鱼头咖喱当午餐。下午,叔叔一家前来拜年。今年我的红包“缩水”了。 (#_#)
初二,爸爸的老友 Uncle Steven 一家一早来拜年。今年还合影留念。Ivy姑姑,Zalmund,Julie姑姑一家和 Jason叔叔一家随后到来。Jason叔叔的女儿,Sophia Lai Wenxi, 好可爱!大家都想抱她,和她拍照。Kaiting 已经小一了,她比较乖巧,还会教妹妹 Kaiyun 尝试弹钢琴。Kaiyun告诉我,她不会弹钢琴,但当我问起她会什么乐器时,她说她会吹口琴。
Kaiting,Wenxi & me
初三,和父母与妹妹到了裕廊的庙去拜拜,然后到 IMM 的 Hoshi Japanese Restaurant 吃午餐。要走去日本餐馆时,我们还看到舞狮表演。妈妈一向很喜欢舞狮,还要求妹妹帮她用手机拍照。第一次看到舞狮用桔子排出真字和“發”字,感觉很新鲜。吃饱后,我们到了 Daiso 去购物。因我和妹妹在卖袜子的架前耗了不少时间(想买的袜子吊的很高,我还得用在一旁售卖的拐杖勾下,画面超滑稽,就像在游乐园玩游戏一样),父母要到 Giant 买食物时,我们还没逛完,所以我和妹妹继续逛 Daiso。不知不觉,在那里就花了$24。傍晚,家人一起吃鱼生。感觉上,今年的新年过的很充实:虽然带了工作回家完成,但因为有四天的连续假期,还是很开心。Friday, February 01, 2008
Special golden beetle
Luckily I'm not one of those girls who will scream at the sight of bugs so when this "kamakazi" golden beetle crashed into my arm then my leg, I let it fall to my home slippers. However, the beetle has such a unique color and design that I've decided to keep it as a "pet" till it's time to let it fly free again...
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