Saturday, April 01, 2006

CK Nokia Fashion Show

Met Ace at Wheelock but Sun with Moon is packed so went to Ajisen at Taka for dinner, luckily we were early so could get a table. Had to lined up before entering the tentage outside Ngee Ann City for the show. Denise Keller from MTV was walking around think she's looking for nice looking people to film. David Gan and Wu Qing Kang was also there. Initially there were no more seats, thought have to stand but the usher managed to find 2 seats in the 2nd row. The view was good but the caucasians in front were pretty tall so could only video through the gaps between them. Couldn't take photos cos the models were moving quite fast.

The show started around 830pm and had a couple dancing ballet then the models came in one by one. A particular female model had a rather weird walking style, she lifted her knee and sorta kick her feet forward. There were only a asian female and male, and several blond female models looked alike. There was a particular male model who looks so good...haha.

I like the skirts they featured and bag. Went to the store in Taka for a brief look. There was a bag that had a special color, between gold and bronze but costs $269. Don't intend to spend so much on a bag. Ordered the last brown Outfitter Girl's bag at Plaza Singapura so will be getting it tmr since i won't get the chance to travel already.

I was at Wheelock Place earlier so went to the toy collectible store. Got a small set of Cinnamoroll stationery and stamp set for $24. The stamps were extremely cute, will take picture of it some day to post here.

The fashion show was pretty short till about 850pm but there was a goodie bag with 2 magazines, Female and Bazaar. There was a Nokia notebook and also a bottle of Coke Light. Went to Coffeebean at Borders for a drink and chat after that. Intended to catch a cab back home but bus was here so guai guai took bus home. Sis helped do up my hair into a bun!

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